Process Management and Job Control in Shell Script: Mastering Bash Multitasking

Last updated at: September 08, 2024
Written by: Abdul

Introduction to Process Management and Job Control

Effective process management and job control are crucial skills for creating efficient and powerful shell Script. In this article, we'll explore techniques to manage multiple processes, control job execution, and implement parallel processing in Bash Script.

Background and Foreground Processes

Running Processes in the Background

To run a command in the background, append an ampersand (&) to the command:

long_running_command &
echo "This will print immediately"

Managing Background Jobs

Use these commands to manage background jobs:

Job Control Commands

Suspending and Resuming Jobs

Use Ctrl+Z to suspend a running foreground job, then:

bg  # Resume the job in the background
fg  # Resume the job in the foreground

Killing Jobs

To terminate a job:

kill %n  # Kill job number n
kill -9 %n  # Force kill job number n

Process Substitution

Process substitution allows you to use the output of a command as a file:

diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)

Parallel Execution

Using GNU Parallel

GNU Parallel is a powerful tool for parallel execution:

# Install GNU Parallel
sudo apt-get install parallel

# Example usage
parallel echo ::: A B C

Implementing Parallel Processing in Bash

Here's a simple way to run commands in parallel:


process_file() {
    echo "Processing $1"
    sleep 2  # Simulate work
    echo "Finished processing $1"

for file in file1 file2 file3 file4; do
    process_file "$file" &

wait  # Wait for all background jobs to finish
echo "All files processed"

Signals and Traps

Handling Signals

Use the trap command to handle signals:


cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    # Add cleanup code here


# Your script commands here

Sending Signals

Use the kill command to send signals to processes:

kill -SIGTERM $PID  # Send SIGTERM to process with PID
kill -9 $PID        # Send SIGKILL (force quit) to process with PID

Monitoring Process Resources

Use commands like top, ps, and time to monitor process resources:

top -b -n 1  # Display top processes
ps aux | grep script_name  # Find specific processes
time ./  # Measure execution time

Practical Example: Parallel File Processing Script

Let's create a script that demonstrates parallel processing of multiple files:


# Maximum number of parallel processes

# Function to process a file
process_file() {
    local file=$1
    echo "Processing $file"
    sleep 2  # Simulate work
    wc -l "$file" > "$file.count"
    echo "Finished processing $file"

# Export the function so it's available to parallel
export -f process_file

# Create some sample files
for i in {1..10}; do
    echo "This is file $i" > "file$i.txt"
    echo "It has a second line" >> "file$i.txt"

# Process files in parallel
find . -name "file*.txt" | parallel -j $MAX_PROCS process_file

# Wait for all background jobs to finish

echo "All files processed. Results:"
cat *.count

# Cleanup
rm file*.txt file*.count

echo "Script completed"


Mastering process management and job control in shell Script allows you to create more efficient and powerful Bash tools. By leveraging background processes, parallel execution, and proper signal handling, you can significantly improve the performance and reliability of your Script, especially when dealing with time-consuming tasks or multiple operations.

In our next article, we'll explore advanced text manipulation techniques in shell Script, including awk and sed for complex data processing. Stay tuned for more insights into advanced Bash scripting!